Hi! I'm Britta Oblan, an Application Developer from Cebu, Philippines living in Singapore. I am a UI Designer / Developer turned Front End Developer. I mentor junior developers and have lead teams. I have strong interests on technology, AI, finance, health and fitness - love being active.

Britta Oblan - Software Engineer from PH



Developed my AI-Powered Meal Generator

I have been using openAI's chatGPT to compliment on my day to day activities and routine to optimise my work and decided to explore and be on the AI side which is integration.


My blog for fun

One fine day I found my personal website all boring and nothing ecstatic - just plain. It has been up since 2016 and it has been reskinned couple of times as I used to work as a UI Designer / Developer and you got to - show it off! So I decided to do some housekeeping and grooming for fun.